Defining Success
Let’ s say I decide I want a body like Heidi Klum. I run my butt off, eat nothing but cucumber slices between lettuce leaves and drink 100% purified water from the Austrian Alps. Chances are great that even though I have done everything in my power, I will fail. There are things, like genetics, that are simply beyond my control. Another example. My goal is to write best-selling novels. I attend workshops, classes, conferences, write every day, read everything I can in the time I have left. Yet st ill, the probability of reaching that goa l is very slim. There is tremendous competition from others doing all those things, who may be more talented, lucky or connected. So how does one achieve success? That is, personal success, the feeling that you have reached your own objective s . Here ar e some suggested steps . 1. Define success in your own terms. Not what your mother, spouse or best friend thinks makes you a success, but what fu...